I really think that as much as we want to be as hard-assed, mean and forceful as the republicans are, to stand up to them and give back what they throw at us, it's just not who we are at our core.
When I think about a progressive, or liberal, or any form of modern-day democrat really, I think of people who want peace, we want social responsibility, we want the poor to be given the opportunity and tools to have a life that has some quality. We feel responsible for our planet and we see the damage that is being done to it and it hurts us.
We see the unfairness of the have's and the have not's. We want everyone to have the ability to be healthy and eat food that is not tainted and drink water that will not poison people. We don't want war, we want peace.
Honestly, I'm trying to stretch my mind to think of one thing that a true liberal wants that would hurt us and I'm having difficulty coming up with anything. That doesn't make us perfect, but it does say something, doesn't it? We are the "do unto others as you would have them do unto you" people.
So, will we stand up and stop the conservative far right wing from continuing their quest for power? I'm afraid that it would not be in our deepest nature to sustain the kind of energy that it would take to do it. And that doesn't make us weak, it is just a part of who we are. What we CAN do is to pull together and continue our quest for change. I think we gave up too easily. We voted for democratic leadership in 2008 and then people were hit with surviving a near depression, our focus was pulled away. Our representatives were so busy trying to get the work done while being blocked by brick wall after brick wall, that I think it wore them down. Would they have gotten stronger if we had supported them more, pushed them by positive reinforcement? Who knows. The timing of everything that has happened since the democratic win in 2008 was sure f&cked up and stacked the odds against us.
If we hadn't had a near collapse of the financial system, a mortgage crisis from corruption, 2 wars, an catastrophic oil spill, and historical blockage of every step of a new president's agenda - I wonder what MORE we could have accomplished.
2012 is going to be a critical year for us. We need to get started now and put our energy where our mouths are. While I think it will be somewhat entertaining to watch the GOP bumble their way through leading the House, it is going to take allot of brains and energy for our democratic representatives to work to hold onto what we have achieved and against even greater odds, continue to move forward.
I've already written to OFA and offered my services. I intend to be part of the core who will help push us forward and achieve our goals.
I don't want the tragedy of January 8, 2011 to be a distant memory or be forgotten. It is a sign for us, a symbol that we all have a responsibility to find PEACEFUL PROGRESS and it's time to get started.
I'm sorry if this is long winded. Yesterday really affected me and this interesting question made me look deep for answers.
Thoughts and prayers for all victims of 1/8/11 as they being their healing journey.
Peaceful Progress begins with Me, Annette