Dem Rep Giffords shot in head in Az. Sarah Palin had put CROSSHAIRS/ BULLSEYE on Giffords on her website! OUTRAGE! Rep Giffords voted in favor of health care bill, her office in Tucson was attacked & vandalized. "set gun sights on 20 Dems (including Giffords)." Palin site now seems 2 b 2 taking down crosshairs map!
In 2009, another gun nut showed up where Rep Giffords was speaking (at another Safeway) & dropped his gun opponent held June event 2 "Shoot a Fully Automatic M16" to "Get on Target" & "Remove Gabrielle Giffords" Palin put crosshairs on a map w/ Rep. Giffords & 19 other Dem congressmen/women, she urged followers to "reload" & "aim" for Democrats.
RT @RichardKimNYC Giffords was impt brave ally in fight to defeat 2006 AZ anti-gay marriage initiative. i covered in brief photo of alleged Tucson shooter (in background) admission by Tucson sheriff: Arizona "a mecca" of hate & bigotry which unhinges the unbalanced Wow.
Thanks, Keith, 4 ur powerful Special Comment just now & 4 mentioning Glenn Beck's violent fantasies: Green was the 9yr old killed. She was born on 9/11. Was on student council & only girl on baseball team. a Detroit Muslim put a map on the web w/crosshairs on 20 pols, then 1 of them got shot, where would he b sitting right now? Just asking.