By Justin “filthy liberal scum” Rosario
Was the body count high enough for you? You got a federal judge, a Congresswoman, a little girl and four other people. I mean, sure, Giffords isn’t dead but she might not pull through. Would that be the icing on the cake for you?
What? You’re shocked, SHOCKED by this act of violence? C’mon! Don’t be so modest. You’ve been working towards this day since that black guy got sworn in! Bask a little in your success. I know you’ve been disappointed by low body count until now. Beck’s Tides Foundation assassin totally blew it and so did those Hutaree losers.
Just a few cops killed here and there by some of your devotees but no big score. You were almost on to something when you posted Perriello’s address online and someone cut the gas line. Of course, the address was wrong and nothing happened but you don’t have the smartest batch to pick from do you? I suppose beggars can’t be choosers.
Is that why you’ve ratcheted up the violent messaging so much? Reach a wider audience and maybe you can set off someone from the less shallow end of the gene pool?
From Palin’s “don’t retreat, reload” post with all of those nifty little targets over Democratic candidates to Sharon Angles’ “Second Amendment remedies” it was just a matter of time until someone opened fire in a crowd or blew up a building. Remember McVeigh? Good times…good times…
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