The Idiot At Work Yesterday on Giffords Shooting
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Sun Jan-09-11 11:08 AM
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The Idiot At Work Yesterday on Giffords Shooting |
...Yesterday when the sad news broke about Rep Giffords I made the announcement in the office which triggered some discussion as would be expected.....then when the news broke that Giffords was one of the Democratic Congressional REPS named on the Sarah Palins TAKE BACK 20 Crosshairs chart I to mentioned that as well as a means to give an update.....This idiot in my office who I have little respect for said "Sarah Palin is no politician and is an idiot" I replied and said she is a politician and she is an idiot and the reply from her was she is not a politician I said she was a mayor and a 1/2 term if those are not political positions then what is???
.....She then left her desk and got the supervisor and brought him to my desk and said "look he is surfing the internet" I said why cant you just defend yourself instead of dragging the management into it and by the way who is winning the football game you have running on your PC....... The SUP left the area.
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Sun Jan-09-11 11:13 AM
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1. K&R....Very good. They always say the "Truth Hurts" sometimes |
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Sun Jan-09-11 11:38 AM
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2. who is winning the football game you have running on your PC....... |
These sons-a-bitches are not only stupid and petty but can't see no further than their own nose. It would never dawn on this woman.."Gee, maybe going to the boss wouldn't be so smart considering what I have on my computer"
Pure Dumb-Ass. :)
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Sun Jan-09-11 12:09 PM
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6. "who is winning the football game ...." |
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Sun Jan-09-11 11:41 AM
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Poor thing you, having to look at that every day.
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Sun Jan-09-11 12:02 PM
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4. Went and ratted you out to the Supervisor?! Is that the best the right wingers in your office have? |
Edited on Sun Jan-09-11 12:02 PM by LawnKorn
You must have them debated down into the floor drain if the best they can do is run and tell on you for surfing the net.
11 Bravo
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Sun Jan-09-11 12:07 PM
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5. Is the idiot aware that Sarah Palin has her own PAC? Point that out to her and explain ... |
that the "P" in PAC stands for "political". Then laugh at her, call her a fucking moron, and walk away.
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 12:20 AM
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