Edited on Sun Jan-09-11 12:46 PM by CountAllVotes
You would think they'd wise up and start saying YOU LIE to all of these lying murderous pukes and not only do THEY LIE, they now MURDER on top of it.
Take away the guns now Pres. Obama. It has become an issue of national terrorism alright; both you and I are at risk for being shot and killed!
It has been an issue of domestic terrorism since John F. Kennedy was murdered! Worried about your gun some say? Fine, melt them all down right now and put an end to this sick game once and for all! Keep America safe damnit!!
And then there were:
Robert F. Kennedy Martin Luther King Mayor George Moscone Supervisor Harvey Milk Cong. Ryan and now a likely near brain dead Cong. Gifford
Can we add Paul Wellstone and JFK, Jr. to this list even though they died from alledged plane crashes? Fine with me if we do because I smell a damn rat on them and always have and no, it is not a tin foil hat!
The gun freaks are doing this do themselves with no assistance required. They do not need us for they are responsible for their own ultimate demise being they are responsible for their own actions, we know this now huh? :dunce: