Alright you leftards... here is the deal.
1) You are all evil 2) The truth is not in you 3) Those that you con become evildoers for your agenda 4) 99% of all murderers and assassins have been from the left 5) You are GODless and HE knows it 6) You are responsible for the breakdown of decorum and the hate, evil, lies and rhetoric of America politics... and the evil done in your name.
LLS 31 posted on Sunday, January 09, 2011 2:08:23 PM by LibLieSlayer (WOLVERINES!)
The left is completely unhinged and shows has no qualms about using deadly violence to achieve its goals. These people need to stop what they’re doing immediately.
2 posted on Sunday, January 09, 2011 1:49:01 PM by pnh102 (Regarding liberalism, always attribute to malice what you think can be explained by stupidity. - Me)
The LOSERS always want to negotiate...
We hope America is not terminally STUPID and continues to harbor any tolerence for these treasonous bastid's.
GUILLOTINE the demonrat party! ! ! 20 posted on Sunday, January 09, 2011 1:57:43 PM by Huebolt (It's not over until there is not ONE DEMOCRAT HOLDING OFFICE ANYWHERE. Not even a dog catcher!)
Well the shooter seemed upset that Giffords didn’t vote for Nancy as speaker.
Maybe we should start asking ‘What did Nancy know and when did she know it?’
Bet that’d get some squeals.
29 posted on Sunday, January 09, 2011 2:07:06 PM by Free Vulcan (The cult of Islam must be eradicated by any means necessary.)
nooooooooooo... it's time to turn it up to ELEVEN!!!
36 posted on Sunday, January 09, 2011 2:18:42 PM by Chode (American Hedonist - *DTOM* -ww- NO Pity for the LAZY)
Um, if you commies would quit stealing my life, selling my children, and betraying my country, I'd consider toning it down a bit.
Alternatively, if you'd all just choke to death on your own vomit, I'd become quiet as a church mouse.
Let me know which you choose.
40 posted on Sunday, January 09, 2011 2:28:56 PM by The Comedian (Puzzling puzzle pieces precisely proliferating panoramically.)
"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure." - Thomas Jefferson
Somebody better grab this deranged Jefferson fellow before he goes and foments a revolution or something.
41 posted on Sunday, January 09, 2011 2:29:19 PM by Lancey Howard
If it was my daughter, it would take all my strength not to shoot these subhumans. It makes me wonder what makes this so called church click. Someday, someone will flip out and open fire. I would probably never be chosen for a jury, but I could not convict the shooter.
8 posted on Sunday, January 09, 2011 11:28:24 AM by Pedrobud
I’d say, kill Phelps and his followers, but then our idiot socialist lefties would take that as hate speech. If something did happen to Phelps and the other losers, I would be blamed for inciting.
14 posted on Sunday, January 09, 2011 11:40:05 AM by fatnotlazy
not if you harm them permanently...he and his daughter are the heads of the snake...just observing....wouldn't give me an instant's sympathy
not that long ago, they would have been stopped or killed...we have grown accustomed to allowing the absurd to be rationalized by twisting the Bill of Rights and ignoring common sense 36 posted on Sunday, January 09, 2011 12:38:15 PM by wardaddy ("Out Here" by Josh Thompson pretty much says it all to those who will never understand anyhow)