gunman Jared Loughner grew up in a modest neighborhood of one-storey ranches and split-level homes in northwest Tucson.
Neighbors and former classmates from nearby Mountain View High School described Loughner and his parents as loners who rarely spoke even to their immediate neighbors.
"You try to say something, they'd just ignore you and turn around and walk back into the house," said Ron Johnson, 60, a retiree who lives directly opposite the Loughner's tan, one-storey home. "The kid - I never talked to him. He acted just like his parents and ignored you."
Sunday morning, North Soledad Avenue was clear of the investigators and police lights that had dominated the day before. There was no sign of life at the Loughner home, where, for much of Saturday, the suspect's parents had stood out front fielding law enforcement inquiries, several neighbors said. Instead, camera crews and newspaper reporters made the rounds of neighbors to find out what they could about Loughner and his family.
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