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Does FOX charge their advertisers for airing their commercials?

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Atticus Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-09-11 08:18 PM
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Does FOX charge their advertisers for airing their commercials?
The reason I'm asking is because several of their favorites political "intellects"---Neil Boortz comes to mind---have already totally pooh-poohed the idea that the numerous examples of Republican candidates or conservative commentators urging citizens to "take out" Democratic candidates or to use the "bullet box" if the ballot box failed them could possibly have played any part in the tragic events in Tucson this weekend.

As I understand it, the whole "theory" behind the efficacy of advertising is that, by repetition, the advertiser creates an image of a product or a person or a competitor and then, based on that image, urges those seeing and hearing the ads to take certain action.

The usual example is that we are persuaded that "X" brand toothpaste whitens and protects our teeth and freshens our breath ,much better than any other brand. We, of course, soon buy and use "X".

Politicians spend millions of dollars preceding each election to run campaign ads which, by repetition and clever phrasing, attempt to persuade voters that they are competent and selfless patriots while their opponent is a craven mealy-mouthed jerk. They spend this money because they believe the ads cause people to vote for them.

HOWEVER,----any suggestion that the repetitive characterization of Democrats as unAmerican enemies whose goal is to destroy our nation and enslave its citizens taken together with encouragements to "target" them, "take them out" and "make them afraid to come out of their homes" could POSSIBLY contribute to some unbalanced person actually shooting at Democrats is not just ridiculous, it is "using a tragedy for political gain by engaging in totally baseless speculation."

I'm going to make a wild guess and speculate that some of FOX's finest will tomorrow agree, loudly and repeatedly, with Mr. Boortz.

So, does FOX charge their advertisers for airing their commercials?
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Angleae Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-09-11 08:43 PM
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1. If they didn't charge for advertising they'd be out of business.
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