the month that President Ford granted Nixon a full pardon, two would-be assassins both members of the Manson Family cult attempted to take his life on two occasions. It was a openly gay man in San Fransisco, but was not out in is hometown in Detroit, who saved the President’s life when Sarah Jane Moore made the second assassination attempt, and who, in the process, ruined his own.
Oliver “Billy” Sipple thwarted the second attempt at the St. Francis Hotel in San Francisco on Sept. 22, 1975. On Sept. 24, Harvey Milk, the first openly gay elected city supervisor of San Francisco, told San Francisco Chronicle columnist Herb Caen that Sipple was a “gay hero” and that national recognition would help break down stereotypes.
While Sipple was out in San Francisco, and had in fact worked on many of Milk’s political campaigns, his family and friends in hometown Detroit were in the dark. After the national media speculated that perhaps Ford had not publicly thanked Sipple yet because he was gay, Sipple’s parents cut ties with him.
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I was about to turn 8 when Sipple saved Ford's life and I remember the aftermath when he sued and lost over his outing. The message that Milk had hoped would be sent was that gays can be heros too. Instead the message that was sent is that even is you save the President your own parents will disown you if you are gay. Now, over 35 years later, we can send the message that this well adjusted, gay young man happened to save a Congresswomen. Somewhere there is a boy of 8 or maybe 9 or 10 who will watch Daniel get a medal and he will know that gay people can be heroes too. The message is a bit late but it is still needed. So Daniel, thanks for saving your boss and thanks for being out and proud while doing so.