In the wake of the horrific shooting of Arizona Rep. Gabrielle Giffords on Saturday, some lawmakers have already decided that they need to do more to protect themselves.
Two members of Congress - Reps. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) and Heath Shuler (D-N.C.) - told Politico that they plan to carry guns while in their home districts. Both men hold conceal and carry permits. They do not plan to carry the weapons while in the District of Columbia.
Lawmakers receive a measure of protection from the U.S. Capitol Police while in the District, though the vast majority are not provided with any protection elsewhere. (The leaders of the House and Senate do get a security detail.) Many travel only with unarmed staffers and have little in the way of protection when away from the Capitol.
On Sunday afternoon, Capitol Police held a conference call with House lawmakers from both parties. House Speaker John Boehner told members that the House Sergeant at Arms, Capitol Police and FBI will hold a security briefing for Members on Wednesday, CBS News Senior Political Producer Jill Jackson reports.