Hostile Intent: Right-Wing Media Doth Protest Too Much
by KingOneEye
Sun Jan 09, 2011 at 07:53:22 PM PST
Rarely have I seen such a desperate attempt to evade reality as has occurred since the shooting rampage in Tuscon. It would seem to be a fairly non-controversial notion that when a politician is targeted for assassination, the language that contributes to hostile discord ought to be carefully considered and avoided. The last thing anyone should want is another Jared Loughner. However, just raising that issue has caused politicians and pundits on the right to stiffen their backs and go on offense. They are taking such talk very personally. Could it be because they are harboring a latent guilt?
While the left has been responding to an horrific act of violence with calls to tone down the rhetoric, many on the right have assumed an attack posture. Keith Olbermann delivered a commentary yesterday wherein he included himself amongst those who have crossed the line. He apologized. There has been scarce reciprocation on the right. In fact, they have dug in their heels to assert that they will continue as if nothing has happened. Sarah Palin's camp even contends that their notorious "Hit List" didn't represent a gunsight's crosshairs, but those on map. That might have been a little more plausible if Palin herself hadn't referred to it as a bullseye.
So it should come as no surprise that Fox News would employ their propaganda web site, Fox Nation, to muddy the waters and absolve the right of any wrongdoing while tarnishing the left for observing the obvious. The Fox Nation presently has eleven articles that place the left in a bad light and/or polish the right's reputation. Methinks they doth protest too much.
The Headlines:
* Durbin Using Tragic Shooting to Silence Conservative Speech
* A Colossal Failure of Journalism: Jared Loughner is crazy
* Tucson Shooter and the Violent Rhetoric in the "Communist Manifesto"
* AZ Dem Blames "Afghan Vet" for Shooting
* DESPICABLE: NYT's Krugman Blames Republicans For Giffords Shooting
* NOW Blames Shooting on 'Extreme' Conservatives Opposing 'Progressive Solutions'
* PATHETIC: James Clyburn Blames Sharon Angle for Giffords Shooting
* Tuscon Sheriff Politicizes Press Conference, Blames Talk Radio
* Journalists Urged Caution After Ft. Hood, Now Race to Blame Palin After Arizona Shootings
* Kurtz: Don't Drag Palin Into this Horrific Mess
* Dems Urge Obama to Pin Shooting on Tea Partiers
More: also:
Busted: Tea Party emails members urging them to describe shooter as "liberal lunatic" Tea Party Leader: We Won't Change Our Rhetoric After Giffords Shooting