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Internet Postings by Jared (erad3) "All aboard with the empty NASA Space Shuttles!"....

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IScreamSundays Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-10-11 12:01 PM
Original message
Internet Postings by Jared (erad3) "All aboard with the empty NASA Space Shuttles!"....
More At Link:

"Was one of your favorite toys a plastic NASA Space Shuttle?

If the design of the NASA Space Shuttle keeps the black body temperature of −454 °F from the outside orbit then the NASA Space Shuttle is at a temperature for human life.
The NASA Space Shuttle isn’t at a temperature for human life.
Hence, the design of the NASA Space Shuttle doesn’t keep the black body temperature of −454 °F from the outside orbit.

If the air supply supports the NASA Space Shuttle mission for the time in orbit then the crew is able to breathe with the correct amount of oxygen for the time in orbit.
The crew is not able to breathe with the correct amount of oxygen for the time in orbit.
Consequently, the air supply doesn’t support the NASA Space Shuttle mission for the time in orbit

If the crew of the NASA mission uses a green screen then they are able to fake the mission.
The crew of the NASA mission uses a green screen.
Therefore, they are able to fake the mission.

If the 0 gravity affects the human body then the crew is at risk for body failure.
The 0 gravity affects the human body.
Therefore, the crew is at risk for body failure.

If the NASA Space Shuttle is with a crew in orbit then they're able to perform the mission with the conditions in orbit.
They're not able to perform the mission with the conditions in orbit.
Thus, the NASA Space Shuttle isn’t with a crew in orbit.

If the NASA Space Shuttle is able to reenter from the orbit of the Earth then the NASA Space Shuttle is able to reenter because of the heat of 1,500 °C.
The NASA Space Shuttle isn’t able to reenter because of the heat of 1,500 °C.
Hence, the NASA Space Shuttle isn’t able to reenter the orbit of the Earth.

If the NASA Space Shuttle is able to reenter from the orbit of Earth then the NASA Space Shuttle is in orbit.
The NASA Space Shuttle isn’t in orbit.
Therefore, the NASA Space Shuttle isn’t able to reenter from the orbit of Earth.

If the force of entry into orbit is strong enough to cause death to a human body then there’s death to a human body in entry from earth to orbit.
The force of entry into orbit is strong enough to cause death to a human body.
Hence, there’s death to a human body in entry from earth to orbit.

If the force of reentry into orbit is strong enough to cause death to a human body then there’s death to a human body in reentry from earth to orbit.
The force of reentry into orbit is strong enough to cause death to a human body.
Hence, there’s death to a human body in reentry from earth to orbit.

Are you scared of what happens after ET separation? "
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riverwalker Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-10-11 12:21 PM
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1. wow
Amazing to read Loughner's posts. Some of the other bloggers recognized him as schizophrenic in November and asked him to get help. The rantings in Loughner's thread "Infinite Source Of Currency!?!? (July 8, 2010)"
in particular uses lots of Glenn Beck-ian type charts and drawings and circle and arrows.
It's almost as if Glenn Beck speaks a language only schizophrenic understand. Chilling. Absolutely chilling.
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thereismore Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-10-11 12:59 PM
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2. Jesus. A know-nothing moran. nt
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GSLevel9 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-10-11 01:07 PM
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3. 4000 posts on ATS?
read those posts and you'll understand this guy.
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