this is the lefty wing dramatic call for arms that Rush referred at from Politico.
Some choice quotes
Barack Obama’s Oklahoma City moment
“One of the things I learned from Oklahoma City is not to rush to judgment…We don’t know this Arizona animal’s motive,” said Begala.
“But almost irrespective of that, it wouldn’t hurt for all of us to tone things down a bit - myself included. If the President uses this tragedy to challenge us all to move to higher ground, it would be a welcome message. And if the right tries to demonize him for doing that, they will look small and petty and extreme.”
“As I’ve found out after a year in the White House, changing this type of slash-and-burn politics isn’t easy,” Obama told a crowd of 92,000 at the University of Michigan in May 2010, a speech devoted almost entirely to elevating the tone of political discourse.
“And part of what civility requires is that we recall the simple lesson most of us learned from our parents: Treat others as you would like to be treated, with courtesy and respect.”
Obama is likely to remain relatively cautious about explicitly connecting hate speech and the Arizona killings until much more is known about the motives of the suspected shooter, 22-year-old Jared Lee Loughner, people close to him say.
Read more: you will all note, no unnamed democrat... he wanted to say democRAT, but that be unseemly I guess.
Just some fact checking on El-Rushbo. Silly liberal me, silly.