Can I be the only one here that thinks this isn't an issue of left vs right, but an issue of mental health and mental illness?
Do we have to politicize everything and try to score points in a tragedy?
To respond to these claims..I agree that Palin and others should be condemned for their language, and the crazies on the right that claim we need to bring 2nd amendment solutions should also be condemned or even prosecuted if they go too far.. but then I see Obama saying if they bring knives to the fight we bring guns. Or that hispanics need to punish their enemies. I am a skeptic and while I know most of the hate comes from the right, we must understand that our side is to blame for some as well. I will not let my political beliefs cloud my judgment.
People are saying that rhetoric needs to be toned down. Rhetoric inciting violence does, but I am not going to tone it down if a President tries to get us to war again. I am going to the streets and protesting and letting my voice be heard.
But this incident wasn't political. It was medical. And the folks that knew the killer and did nothing are partly to blame. How could they kick him out without alerting people that he needs help? He appears to be a victim of rejection and mental illness. He's mentally ill..The army rejected him, friends reject him, girls reject him, family rejects him, society rejects him, no one cares for him, no one gives him attention..now he has the attention he wanted after a buildup of pain inside. Everyone hates him, just like he wanted.
Even if I am totally wrong in my analysis here, it's clear he needed mental help and the system failed him and ultimately led to a tragedy. What are we to do with the next person with mental problems, ignore them too? Hope for the best?
I read the Communist Manifesto and Mein Kampf and I think they were good in terms of understanding history. I smoked pot with friends and had many discussions on things like Bush wanting to bring terror and authoritarianism on us and 9/11 was brought to us by Bush/Cheney/globalists as a reichstag fire like event. I remember at Iraq war protests many people would discuss these things. Thats what many young people do and it doesn't make them crazy or right wing or left wing radicals. It doesn't make us radical killers. It's free thought and free exchange of ideas.
This young guy was mentally disturbed. He needed help. People rejected him, ignored him. No one alerted anyone, and if they did, no one did anything about it. Arizona has gun laws where you can buy guns even if you have mental problems. But where was family, where were doctors? Even if there was a law against buying guns if you have a mental condition, he still would have been able to get one if he was undiagnosed. Even if he was diagnosed, he probably would have found guns somewhere to do what he wanted.
What I really would like to know is what meds he was on. A common theme among killers besides underlying psychiatric disorders, is withdrawal from meds to help those disorders. If you cold turkey it can literally make you go nuts especially if you have a serious condition for which the drugs help.
Mental disorders aren't a joke and this certainly is not a right or left wing assassination, it's a tragedy of our health care system and our society that basically rejected and ignored the guy and hoped for the best.