Anita Keller
Sarah I am a fan. While I am shocked and heartbroken about this I am also praying for you and your family. I feel this media onslaught is nothing more than scapegoating. I hope you will get a good security company and although you have always been very level headed in handling personal attacks perhaps you would also consider a good crisis management team. There seem to be people who have devoted themselves completely to destroying your life rather than winning an argument on its merits. I find this so disgusting. In this case I feel they are only further victimizing the victims. My prayer is that you and your family will weather this maliciousness with the grace you have always shown in the face of the vicious attacks you have faced since the beginning.
No other contemporary political figure has faced more vicious personal attacks from political adversaries. You make an important contribution to the national discussion. May you be safe and please persevere. I wish you blessings and good will for the safety and well-being of your family.