Armey tells tea party crowd: "Ive never seen so many attractive domestic terrorists in all my life." 2009), a Department of Homeland Security assessment was released, warning that right-wing extremist groups that are primarily hate-oriented and are mainly antigovernment were likely to grow in strength following President Obamas election. Conservatives claimed it was a sweeping indictment aimed at labeling them as terrorists. Despite the fact that the report did no such thing, some on the right embraced the claim and began to refer to themselves facetiously as proud right-wing terrorist(s). At the Code Red Rally on Capitol Hill yesterday (12/15/09), former House Majority Leader Dick Armey greeted the crowd by saying, "Ive never seen so many attractive domestic terrorists in all my life".
When Armey and his conservative friends mock the DHS report on far right-wing extremism, they are mocking the real threat of a tiny minority that aims to make changes in America through the use of political violence. In July (2009), the Southern Poverty Law Center released a report listing 75 plots, conspiracies and racist rampages that have emerged from the American radical right in the years since Oklahoma City.
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