and by that I mean when the mindset here seems to change in a moments notice to "you're either with us, or against us".
This is such a time. Saturday we turned into a message board with a binary view of events. Mind you; this is only my observance, and should be taken for what it's worth. I really don't care who I piss off by what I'm about to say, and I don't think anyone who's read my posts for the last five years would disagree with my claim that I've never felt that my opinions should be seen as the truth and nothing but the truth.
For the last two days the argument between DU'ers has been clearly divided between two factions. There are those here who believe in their hearts that the actions of this FREAK were guided by Palin, Limbaugh, Hannity, Beck, and other lesser right wing voices. On the "other side" are those who are not convinced that this FREAK's actions have any basis in reality whatsoever and who call for the kind of prudence our Justice System is based upon. The current mindset at DU seems to be we should push the meme that this FREAK was a Right Wing tool, no matter what we know to be true, and at this point, we know precious little about what is "true" and what isn't. Push the Meme is what I'm seeing here for the last two days. That pains me.
I have to say that I fall into the group who asks that we step back, digest ALL the facts, and know what we say BEFORE we point fingers, and as a longtime poster and contributor here I'm disappointed that for holding that view I might be called out as being a possible troll. That doesn't bother me as it wouldn't be the first, tenth, fiftieth, or even the hundredth time that's happened. I've seen good DU'ers in the last two days called out as being something less than good DU'ers for stating no other opinion than we as DU'ers should be prudent in what claims we make about the FREAK who pulled the trigger Saturday.
Saturday a poster here stated in no uncertain terms early on that the "lone gunman" information put out on the wires was NOT TO BE BELIEVED. Saturday, even though information was scarce, posters made the claim that the Judge might have been the target. Before any information was known to be certain, DU went BINARY.
I worries me that in this place I've donated so much money to, this place I love so much, this place that has supported me in times of flux in my life; DU'ers can be called out as trolls for simply suggesting that the FREAK who pulled the trigger might not have done so due to any Right Wing influence.
I've read his bullshit. I've seen interviews with those who supposedly knew something about him. I'm going to go out on a limb and say here that I've seen nothing at all that could tie him to any political ideology whatsoever. None. Nada. Yeah, "the gold standard" works for some. Yeah, "grammar" works for some, though I can't find any mention of where control of grammar can be seen as a Right Wing argument against anything at all. All I know about him even after reading the disconnected from reality screeds of his is that he's out there beyond Pluto in his thinking.
What he did pains me to the very core of my soul. If I had the opportunity, I'd kill him with my bare hands for what he did, and I have no doubt that I could. Give me ten minutes in a closed room with him. I guarantee it would be ME who walked out of the room. I'm as confident in that as I am that no dog could ever kill me. I'd do it not only for the individuals he victimized, but also for the family members he stole from, and for what he's done to my country and political discourse. I don't care what his motivations were, I'd kill him with my bare hands were I given a few minutes alone with him. I'd just fucking kill him for what he DID.
I wouldn't do it until after he was judged by a jury of his peers to be guilty though.
On the other hand, since he'll be lucky enough that I'll never get within reach of him; let's find out what motivated him and go from there. For all we know, he's never listened to hate radio (no one here can PROVE that he has), never watched hate TV (again, no one can PROVE that he has), and knows nothing of current events. I haven't found a quote or a reference to a statement made by those right wingers we hate in anything he's written or posted and I've read it all.
I hate what he did and I'd kill him for it with my own hands. But at this point I'm not ready though to pin the blame on anyone but him.