The point is being made now that because "the left" called Bush a war criminal, called for "his hanging" etc. they are the same as people who want to assassinate Democrats. Here is why this is bullshit: The Bush administration were actual criminals who stole an election and started wars of aggression.
The difference between the left and right is that the right is making shit up and living in a delusional world. Their attacks are not based on facts. If the Democrats were the tyrants who the right claims they are, then yes, an armed uprising against them would be justified. The point is that they are not. They are rightfully elected, in accordance with the requirements of the constitution. They are not "taking away your freedom by force". If the Democrats were actually "deporting people into camps" and "creating death panels" then, hell yes, an armed uprising would be justified. The point is that all of these things are completely fabricated bullshit.
If there ever was a time in US history where we were close to having constitutionally justified grounds for an armed revolution, this was in 2001. Back when all of these self proclaimed revolutionaries were dead silent. Even then it was questionable, because of the role of the Supreme court. Now? Hell no. We are under a legally elected government, and any attempt to "overthrow it by force" is nothing short of a fascist coupt.
I stand by the following statement: George Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Condoleeza Rice, and several others, should be put trial in Nuremberg. They should be convicted for crimes against humanity. Then they should be hanged until dead.
I refuse the notion that this is the same as what the right is doing. One is a legally sound call for justice. The other isn't.