Demographics of the long warUmar Waqar
Published: January 11, 2011
The withdrawal of the American troops from Afghanistan after the accomplishment of their mission inside the war-torn country is being contemplated by the western policymakers and the media. One would like to question the logic of declaring a retreat, withdrawal and surrender as a global victory. The Taliban have been quite an annoying enemy for them and despite modern and powerful weaponry, and coalition of the entire North Atlantic that I tend to call ‘superpower plus’, has failed in Afghanistan.
Post 9/11, the ‘superpower plus’ swiftly occupied both Iraq and Afghanistan after quickly dismantling the Saddam regime in Iraq and toppling the Taliban regime in Afghanistan. Thus, it appeared that the western steamroller with slogans of shock and awe were unstoppable. Although more than a million Muslims have been brutally killed in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the US-led coalition projected by false propaganda seems to be the ultimate victor, yet the position on ground is different. Iraq has hardly gained any stability and Afghanistan is gradually slipping out to the Taliban once again.
There may be a number of factors involved in the failure of conduct of this so-called long war, including inept handling by mediocre leadership e.g. George Bush Jr, strategic errors like misreading the Afghan culture, loss of logistic stamina to conduct a war spanned over a decade, and a loss of confidence in USA’s leadership by its allies. One of the major factors of this debacle has been the demographic factor, which despite warnings from the late Huntington was almost ignored by the West.
In one of earlier articles entitled It is demographics stupid, published by TheNation, I had argued that the western system was under a new threat. That the West was heading for a collective suicide of its white population in not so distant a future, due to poor demographic trends. The recent demographic trends show that the American and western white population is declining, and so they don’t have the required manpower to manage their own countries. If so, how will they manage the occupied countries?