Most congresspeople say they want input from individuals, media goes to the ends of the earth to interview "the man on the street" or "innocent bystanders", "witnesses"..
they insist that we upload on-the-spot images from tornadoes, floods, fires etc
and yet..
when we suddenly (en masse) tell them what we really think of their coverage, they get their panties in a wad & start whining.
The internet has them flummoxed. They have lost control of things, and they know it.
We are no longer tethered to the almighty tv-box-thingie that told us what to think, how to think it and for how long.
We have created our own informal "networks", with people from all walks of life, life-experiences, ages, and cultural leanings. We know how to research & have access to people with technical skills to bring that research to the masses.
There was a time when video tapes were locked away within the bowels of the media centers, never to be seen unless it supported what they were pushing.
Now we can look through it all, and decide for ourselves what is pertinent and what is not.
They still try to set the agenda, but for now at least, they have lost control, and after we watch them spinning themselves into a puddle of butter, we can always return here and research the facts for ourselves.