Edited on Tue Jan-11-11 02:37 PM by raging_moderate
I swear if I hear one more Teabagging "moran" crow about how patriotic they are by wishing harm to their fellow law abiding citizens and wanting to take down our government I think I might go postal myself. Those are the statements and desires of TREASON. Then, on top of it, they start throwing around Thomas Jefferson (and other founders) quotes to make themselves sound credible. Jefferson was fomenting treason against King George you asswipes! Not against the newly created USA. If he was caught doing so by the Redcoats, he would have been either hung or shot by firing squad. That is what happens to those guilty of treason.... they're shot or hung. If you feel strongly enough to take that risk, I guess I can't stop you myself, but I'm quite sure there are plenty of Marines and soldiers who would be glad to. True patriots work for and with their nation to improve it or change it as they wish and hope. They vote, they run for office, they read (that's R-E-A-D), they write, they contact their duly elected representatives, they dismiss lies and propaganda, they support the concept of open ideas and debate by all, they support the concept of free speech, but not lies, sedition, and vitriol. Our founders would be rolling in their graves if they heard you use them as examples of destroying what they built.
We have common enemies, and those are the corporate slime that have bought this country for their own use and disposal. We are not enemies of each other. That is what they want. We are made to go for each other's throats, not noticing that our treasury is being looted, our infrastructure decays, our education system destroyed, and about 1300 rich assholes with no allegiance to this country at all are making out like bandits.