The events of the past weekend SHOULD have been a "Have you no sense of decency, sir?" kind of moment for the Repblican party. They could have stepped back, taken a good look at themselves and seen the grotesque parodies of human behavior that they have become. Maybe for once felt ashamed. But no. The rank and vile just turn their nasty, deadly rhetoric up to 11. Are they so deranged, so far removed from humanity that they are incapable of realizing that they have made possible the environment that sets unbalanced individuals off on missions of murder? Or do they know and just don't care? What will it take to get through to their cro magnon brains? Maybe there are some good, decent Republicans left out there. Maybe they are too afraid to speak out against their party, given the visciousness of their fellow Reapublicans. I have some advice for them. Take back your party, before it's too late. Before your party goes the way of the cro magnon man.
To the Palins, Becks, Coulters, O'Riellys and Limbaughs of the GOP I can only ask this
"At long last, have you left no sense of decency?"
I already know the answer.