but to just pick a little nit all 'cuz I learned about the fire triangle in the USFS. Those 3 elements of the fire triangle are Heat, Fuel and Oxygen, not simply an ignition source. No matter, point still made. The nuance is that just radiant heat can and is frequently, a source of ignition. Any other source of ignition employs that element, heat, to igite one way or another. Smoke itself, not being an ignition per se, but providing pre-heating toward anything in its path, is one of the main ways a wildfire spreads. Just sayin, but your analogy is right on.
Loughner also apparently had an unsatisfactory one-on-one Q/A with the congresswoman a while back and friends that knew him said he referred to that direct incident once in a while, especially after his purported personality change about 3 or 4 years ago when he quit smoking cigs and pot and resolved to get himself healthy, etc. I wish I knew more of the particulars of that particular incident. Perhaps someone can fill that in here. Seems as though he had some smoldering resentment toward her for that alone. Combine that precondition (fuel), and the (oxygen) benefit of our free society for pols to hold open meetings in parking lots with constituents, then add the heat of readily available guns (heat), which he apparently was able to purchase with little or no background check (none that revealed others fears about him ala students/faculty) and voila! The varying reports floating in now from friends and acquaintances, neighbors, etc., as well as the dude's own rantings on the net point to an isolated anti-social person equipped for violence. We are all still struggling to understand this guy.
That particular fire triangle theory does not specifically list right wing rhetoric as one of the elements, as the empirical evidence of that connection is yet to be established beyond a reasonable doubt. But the statement of someone associated with government in Tucson said yesterday that the road will eventually lead back to the undue influence of such right wing hate rhetoric as that used directly by Palin. We shall see.
Hands off my Social Security! Hands off Latin America!