that only a small percentage of actual teabaggers can stand up without assistance. Many are elderly and disabled. Yeah, they can all shoot, but their Hoverounds aren't Humvees. The remaining Teabaggers, from what I have seen, are anti-social creeps. A few of them might band together, but there will be so much fighting amongst them they won't hold together long.
Most of the rest of Americans - left right and center - just want peace, enough food to eat, a place to live and some TV. Sure, some are greedier than others, but they don't want war. They don't want to kill their neighbors or to take over City Hall. These are the Americans who are trying to make sense of this weekend and what it means in the larger scheme of things.
The good news about this current issue is that we are talking about it, people are waking up to what politics has become, and the Rightwingers are going to have to tread very gently or they will be seen as the cause of the massacre Saturday whether they like it or not.
They cannot control the spin on this no matter how hard they try. Every time they utter a violent phrase or call for violent action to resolve political problems, people will be attuned and saying "Hmmm."
Their main tactic has been exposed! They have nothing else; no ideas, no goals except destroying government, no work ethic or compassion. If they can't appeal to hate and fear, it's going to be a very difficult year for them in the House.
I believe we are in for a time of more poverty - even though I think the economy will improve overall, more hardship, more environmental disaster, but I am holding out hope that we will not do any death spiral into Civil War.
This morning, my neighbors came to check on me. They know I'm alone and were worried with the cold weather, i suppose. I got to the door too late to chat then, but it means a lot to me that my neighbors care for me and I for them.
Everyone should get to know your neighbors, if they're not dangerous or toxic that is, because that's how we fight dehumanization and polarization and violence. We get to know each other, even if only casually, and we help each other out for the good of all. When we feed each other and each other's kids, when we help build fences and start cars with dead batteries and wave as we pass by, we become more human and less war prone.
So turn off the TV and get out of the house and take a walk. If you live in an area where it's not so safe to take a walk, maybe vow to attend at least one community function a week, maybe start moving among the living rather than staring at a dead TV for a change.
I am holding out hope. :)
If we agree we will not give in to fear and anger and worry, they lose!