We know the push-back from the RW. It is not an accident. No, this kid was not taking orders from Wasilla, or Rush, or Glen (though we have another shooter that was directly inspired by Glen)... Language of violence is in the air. You just have to turn to RW radio... they like to tell us that it is just entertainment. But, let's be honest... if I went on the air... and had an audience of 12 million, average for Rush... yes that many listen to El Rushbo... and I keep saying day after day, year after year... "the problem in the country are liberals. They are coming after our freedoms folks. They want to kill the American dream. Conservatives only want to preserve the American Way, and they are enemies of the People..." that drum beat will have an effect on the culture.
We have evidence from other places in history where that language (that kind of elininationist language) has led, in time, to civil wars and genocides. Rwanda was not an accident.
Now do me a favor. All of you. Turn on your AM dial. Except for some places, tell me HOW MANY stations on the talky side are running this crap day in and day out? How many are running lefty talk? How many are just running talk? (WINS radio news comes to mind)
Yes, it is that bad. And yes, in a sane country, we are not... this should have been a wake up moment. We have not. If anything Rush and ilk are in full offense mode, since the best defense is offense. So I expect more, not less... "lone wolfs" to go off. I expect more violence... and at this point... we are committed for something ugly...
And no, they are NOT going to stop... not until this explosion finally goes off. Hell, not even then. And if this goes to my worst Kafkaesque nightmares... all bets are off. Oh and for all who are going... but, but a revolution would be good... (the violent kind) go over to BBC, and watch the video of them taking gurneys to choppers... burn that image into your mind. That is what that looks like. And that... is a mild version, with an EMS system that still works.
Oh and here is one of those images
And another
and a last one, from the mess left over.
This is with a functioning society.