At the joint press conference for the Arizona shooting, AZ Sheriff Clarence W. Dupnik began to blame talk radio and has since named Rush Limbaugh as a main culprit in the proliferation and acceptance of hate speech and anti-government rhetoric.
At the same press conference, FBI head Mueler suggested internet freedom as the culprit.
Dupnik is right and the right wing think tanks are working overtime to swiftboat him. Limbaugh labels Dupnik as a liberal Democrat and has dedicated most of his last two shows to attacking this guy.
If the Left does not get Dupnik's back Limbaugh and right wing radio will win again and the internet will start getting the blame. The same machine that defeated the public option will succeed again if the Left doesn't figure this out soon.
Loughner is crazy and may never have listened to talk radio but Dupnik is right in assigning most of the blame to right wing talk radio.
Here's Limbaugh today (paraphrasing): Give us the proof that this leftist (Loughner) was inspired by me Limbaugh... Is he working with Media Matters?... Was he coached on this?...
Dupnik is a serious threat to the Right's most important weapon and its lead man and he needs all the help we can give him.
Attacks on Dupnik will include attacks on any media that gives him time. The dittohead/teabaggers that scream at town halls and into congressional office and media producer's phones will do the work that Limbaugh and other RW blowhards are now calling for.
Show Dupnik support here: maybe wave a Dupnik sign at the local Limbaugh station.
Once Dupnik is done the right will shift the blame to internet freedom and net neutrality. And as usual their most important tool will be the very same talk radio monopoly.