Sheriff Dupnik: “I Have No Agenda” But Angering Americans “May Benefit Some Party” (Update) ^ | January 11, 2011 | annem040359
Posted on Tuesday, January 11, 2011 8:48:56 PM by Biggirl
There are times when I come very close to pull out what remains of my short gray hair, and I do have short thick gray hair all the while listening to people who OUGHT TO KNOW BETTER who use this horrible tragic shooting incident to promote their agendas.
Sheriff Clarence Dupnik should had DONE HIS JOB being a law enforcement officer and not get into the political arena. This does no favors to the people of Tucson, Arizona, the rest of the state of Arizona, or for that matter, America.
What he should have done was taking the action needed when the shooter showed first signs of being threatening.
Please Sheriff do your job and STAY OUT OF POLITICS!
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
To: Biggirl
And take a ouple of lessons on how to be a SHERIFF for Joe ARPAIO.
(The above post was posted THREE TIMES)
To: chicagolady
One thing you can say for Joe Arpio. I don’t think I’ve ever heard him talk about left vs right or republican vs democrat.
He has a job to do and politics can’t get in the way of it.
9 posted on Tuesday, January 11, 2011 8:57:32 PM by cripplecreek (Remember the River Raisin! (look it up))
ARPIO?????? Spelling problem.
RimJob has apparenetly received another $4K today. He's up to $26K.