I was looking for any real evidence of "Leftist" motivated violence and found this article which seems to be a couple who got a beatdown ast April and decided to use it as political coinage. They really got hurt and she managed to keep her purse so that means it wasn't a robbery.... maybe. Or maybe they just fought that hard to protect their money. IDK.
What I DO know is that the description is exactly backwards of the pictured individual. His beard is red and his hair is dark blonde, or light brown.
All this guy is guilty of is
W W L - Walking While Liberal (Near the scene of a crime hours before it happened.)
The description given to the police was:
The assailant is described by Mr. Brown as 6'01", thin build, thin face, beard (dark brown), dark red ponytail hair style, light colored t- shirt, dark pants. Mr. Brown also described the assailant as appearing "dirty" but not homeless. Another thot:
See the amount of posts and consideration we lefties give to political dialogue here on DU.
IF this were a politically motivated attack by a leftie group of Anarchists - IF - don't you think they would have told them EXACTLY why they were getting beat down?
Seriously. Anyone on the left driven to the brink and willing to attack strangers and beat the shit out of them for political reasons would still be stomping those two into road putty by the time the police arrived and still venting about all the real political realities that drove them off the deep end to anyone who would listen.
I'm just saying... each side has their tendencies.
Right wingers have a bad day and they get a gun and go shooting to relax or blame the Liberals. They go off the deep end, people die, preferably a Liberal if they have a choice.
Yeah, a leftie might beat the shit out of some re-thug with shit for brains and a mouth to match. But it ain't political, it's because that person is being an asshole. We aren't perfect, but we don't advocate or condone when stuff like this happens, even if it was one of ours.
THAT is the major difference. We believe in personal accountability, not group thinking ourselves into plausible deniability.
If ANYTHING is driving lefties over the brink toward violence it's all the actual violence being done to innocent people because the whole political conversation has become a shouting match again and right wingers are taking guns with them everywhere reminding us what they are willing and able to do at any time and for any reason that strikes their fancy.
Thanks for letting me ramble.