I was trying to find a certain clip on Youtube from the great movie Hotel Rwanda where the people are listening to an evil hate radio Hutu speaking about how they need to kill the "Tutsi Cockroaches!". The hate and vitriol from the radio broadcasts were unreal and inhuman.
I also remember the movie quotes and the acting here. The hate and pride n the killing was so apparent on the actor's face. Very startling.
You cannot seriously think that you can kill them all.
George: And why not? We are halfway there already.
One of the biggest influences that incited the Hutus to attack their neighbors was radio broadcasts. It is important to understand that radios are omnipresent in Rwanda, like cell phones in America. The radio station Radio Télévision Libre des Mille Collines, or RTLM, had a huge influence over the people. The station became so popular that the Hutus constantly listened. RTLM referred to Tutsis as “cockroaches” and gave commands that Rusesabagina recalls “were phrased in code language that everyone understood, ‘Cut the tall trees . Clean your neighborhood. Do your duty.” Rusesabagina also remembers hearing the phrase, “A cockroach cannot give birth to a butterfly.” These words degraded the Tutsis and lit a fire in many Hutus – a fire of hate and destruction. After a while, the Hutus felt so much hatred for Tutsis, in large part because of the radio broadcasts, that they snapped, and the genocide began on April 6, 1994.
Words can lead to anger and revenge, and can incite people to destroy families, lives, an entire nation. Words spoken on the radio, or in the newspaper, or in the square, can inspire hatred and violence. Before you make a rude or insulting comment about someone who is different from you – be it race, religion, ethnicity, or ability – remember that words are powerful.