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New York governor unveils major attacks on education, health care, and public employees

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Hannah Bell Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-12-11 01:42 AM
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New York governor unveils major attacks on education, health care, and public employees
With New York State facing a $1 billion budget deficit for the current fiscal year and a projected deficit of more than $9 billion for the coming year, newly inaugurated Governor Andrew Cuomo used his January 5 “State of the State” address to outline a program of draconian austerity.

The new governor combined cheap hucksterism about a return to the state’s “progressive” past with “realism” about the need to fix a “dysfunctional” state. The repeated use of the term “progressive” rang hollow given that the speech’s dominant thrust was major attacks on the working class justified by the refrain “there is no money.”

Cuomo stated, “The state of New York spends too much money. It is that blunt and it is that simple.”

This is in the state which is home to Wall Street, where profits and bonuses to the financial elite have returned to record levels. The sum total of Cuomo’s “progressivism” appears to consist in a few sops to identity politics, including an increase in the allocation of state contracts to women and minority-owned businesses and support for gay marriage.

Nowhere in his speech did he propose any concrete measures to assist the unemployed or the poor. Media analysts glowingly described this as a Republican speech given by a Democrat.

The tenor of Cuomo’s agenda was clearly illustrated when he announced...that he would not rescind the layoff of 900 state employees ordered by outgoing governor Paterson...but would allow the expiration of the so-called “millionaire’s tax,” the temporary state income tax surcharge on those making $200,000 a year or more... The tax raises more than $1 billion annually according to the Wall Street Journal.

- one year pay freeze for state workers

- 20% cuts in all state programs

- 20% reduction in the number of agencies

- Cuomo has repeatedly and adamantly stated that he will not raise taxes on the wealthy

- he plans to create a “business-friendly” environment in New York State.

- "we need to redesign the Medicaid program"

- property tax cap of 2% or rate of inflation

- state-level "race to the top" type competition for education funds (what a horror show)
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bbgrunt Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-12-11 01:44 AM
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1. gotta wonder what repukes would have done.....disgusting.
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scarletwoman Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-12-11 01:46 AM
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2. It's just not going to end, is it. At least not until all of us proles are wearing burlap sacks and
sleeping under bridges.
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Historic NY Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-12-11 02:54 AM
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3. I live in this state, come here then tell me how much you want to pay....
Edited on Wed Jan-12-11 02:55 AM by Historic NY
its out of control. We have more agencies and commissions that answer to no one like the MTA. Our Medicaid program is so good people come here from other states just to get it...& we pay for it. More than 80% of my county Property taxes goes for social welfare & medicare programs. I pay 5 grad in taxes for a 60+ year old ranch house add in school taxes & its 3 retirement checks out of 12. My county just lost Macy's distribution facility to West Virginia , that was 750 jobs because even with PILOT's it still was too costly for them. The state workers aren't going to starve, my town hasn't bought a police car in 3 yrs and hasn't replaced 9 cops, we no longer have any part time employees. There will be no raises either since the taxes went up 17%. The adjoining city had a 71% increase in taxes I can imagine the slum lords will be abandoning their properties in droves again. He has to start somewhere because more people are leaving that state because of taxes. We just lost a couple congressional districts. Were heading the route of California if it isn't brought under control soon. New York spends money it doesn't have and cannot raise. We pay the highest gas tax, highest cigarette taxes, Last year all the parks & historic sites were closed, they stole some money from the land conservation fund to open the places half way through the season....lots of deferred repairs and less staff. Every historic site in my area was closed & we have 3 in town...lots of lost tourist dollars. Its going to take a lots of disciple to get control of this state. The governors approach has been looked on with favor by a lage majority of residences and politicians from all sides. We out of choices. I'd suggest you read the Daily News or one of the albany papers. Sacrifices are required from everyone, there are no sacred cows. If the towns & villages have reined in to bare bones then the state has to also. The state & local tax burden is 11.7%(#2 nationally) & our county sales tax is 8.75%.
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