You know the approach I mean.. The one where Mom tells the kids to "keep quiet..don't say anything that will set Mean Drunk Daddy off"..
Joe thinks Pres. Obama should be conciliatory (I'm sorry Honey, I didn't mean to make you mad..it's all my fault..please don't hit me again).
Honestly, I don't know what Pres. Obama CAN say, that would mean much, since there is nothing that can be said, that can bring any of those people back, or to make people believe that this really was an aberration.
Mass killings are not that rare anymore, and have not been for a while.
The right will still say mean, nasty, racist, dangerous things, because it's just what they do.. so nothing said about that will stop them, because they are sure that their way is the proper way, and how dare anyone question their tactics.. They are now the "victims" in this whole debacle, and the aggrieved parties are not "allowed" to even mention it, without being criticized..