This is a sample of some of the question in today's Zogby poll...
Do you believe that politicians bear some responsibility for the shooting of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and the other people in Tucson, AZ due to the language and images they use against other politicians?
Not sure
Which party's politicians do you believe are most responsible for language and images that might encourage violent actions by the public?
Both are equally responsible
Not sure
Do you believe the shooting of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and others in Tucson, AZ will lead to more moderation in the language and images politicians use when talking about issues and politicians and others who disagree with them?
Yes, this is a wake-up call and a turning point and politicians will raise the level of respect when disagreeing with others.
Somewhat, this will moderate the rhetoric, but only in the short term.
No, there will be no change in how politicians speak of the opposition
There is nothing wrong with the way politicians currently speak of the opposition
Not sure
Do you believe the alleged perpetrator of the Tucson shootings targeted Rep. Giffords because of her political beliefs?
Not sure