Edited on Wed Jan-12-11 11:22 AM by Cal33
Both genetics and environment play a role in the formation of "anti-social personality disorder," which is also known as "sociopathy" or "psychopathy." These sick people are recognized by their ambitious greed, lack of conscience, their superficially charming ways, and the ways in which they can lie, cheat and deceive in order to achieve their goals (which are always MONEY and POWER over others in one way or another). They tend to become corporate execs. and politicians, because that's where money and power can be found.
2 to 4% of sociopaths are found in the general population. You can be sure that the percentage is much higher among politicians and corporate execs. for the reason mentioned above.
That's why our world is always in trouble. Too many sociopaths are holding high positions. We will never be rid of wars until we have reduced the numbers of sociopaths in positions of power.
Looking back at our written history of some 7,000 years, there have only been 250 years when there was no major conflict going on somewhere in our world.
What do you think our chances of having a peaceful world really are? And how can we change the situation in our favor?