Palin Calls Criticism ‘Blood Libel’
To: reaganaut1
Blood libel? Wierd way of putting it. That normally applies to an ethnic group.
2 posted on Wednesday, January 12, 2011 5:45:52 AM by Natufian (t)
To: reaganaut1
Remember, the MSM is out to “Kill” Conservatives. Katie Couric, Andrea Mitchell, Diane Sawyer, Brian Williams, Paul Krugman, or anybody from the NY Times. This shooting is but another example of thousands that demonstrate the intense hatred of the MSM of our cause. They will try anything to censor and destroy our movement. They went after Reagan, they went after George Bush, and as soon as Sarah Palin was nominated they went after her. They want to censor talk radio and that is all we have to make our voices heard.
5 posted on Wednesday, January 12, 2011 5:48:11 AM by mfish13 (ELECTIONS HAVE CONSEQUENCES!!!!)
To: reaganaut1
I .... wow... I am literally shaking! WOW That just blew my mind!
We are witnessing history!
Palin stands alone against the liberal horde... and WINS!
Well... she wont stand alone anymore! Because I will stand with her to the end!
6 posted on Wednesday, January 12, 2011 5:48:20 AM by TexasFreeper2009 (Obama = Epic Fail)
To: Natufian
“Blood libel? Wierd way of putting it. That normally applies to an ethnic group.”
Partially correct - “Blood libel” refers to the medieval Christian accusation that Jews killed Christian children and used their blood for matzos. But, today it is often used to describe False Accusations, which is the way Sarah used it.
9 posted on Wednesday, January 12, 2011 5:53:20 AM by NavyCanDo
To: reaganaut1
Here we go!! Palins dignified statement concerning the horrific acts of a madman and the disgusting behavior
of the left in trying to cash in on the tragedy will be boiled down to two descriptive words of their attempted assignment of blame and attacked !!
10 posted on Wednesday, January 12, 2011 5:53:29 AM by timetostand (Ya say ya wanna revolution -- OK!)
To: reaganaut1
Anyone else get the impression, watching this video, that Palin is FAR more Presidential than that loser who actually IS President?
12 posted on Wednesday, January 12, 2011 5:54:21 AM by Pravious
To: Natufian
She has been libeled. Which I know is almost impossible to prove against a ‘public figure.’ Yet, she was specifically mentioned (repeatedly) by name...WITH NO EVIDENCE THAT THE ACTUAL PERP EVER READ HER WORKS OR FOLLOWED HER POLITICS.
The quote, ‘blood libel’ maybe the new ‘death panel.’
Well done, Madame President.
15 posted on Wednesday, January 12, 2011 5:55:48 AM by PennsylvaniaMom ('We are coming out of our trance, we are coming out of our nightmare...' <3Michele Bachmann)