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We Live In A World Of Extreme Right Wing Manchurian Candidates......

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global1 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-12-11 12:22 PM
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We Live In A World Of Extreme Right Wing Manchurian Candidates......
they get ginned up on Fox News, Rush, Beck, Hannity, Palin, Angle, et al who plant all this hatred in their heads - then these same so-called conservative hero's just sit back and wait for something to set their Manchurian Candidates off. This is really cynical and sick and someone has got to put a stop to it now before this really escalates out of control.

All this renewed talk of gun control doesn't help matters much and just plays into the hands of these vile people.
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Javaman Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-12-11 01:02 PM
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1. Took the words out of my mouth...
I was going to write yesterday regarding this same concept, but didn't have the time to write it.

When a "party" attracts enough of the fringe element, it's only a matter of time before the fringy-est of the fringe feel the need to "take matters into their own hands" and carry out what has been basically been brainwashed into them.

It's not anyone single phrase that's calling out to these halfwits, it's the grand total of hate and violent rhetoric which depict the Dems and Libs as evil.

We are reaching the point of fruition, where enough of the hate speech has been accumulated in the brains of a number of these fringe types that they now feel the compulsion to act.

That's why the right wing screech machine is trying the best they can to spin it all away.

They are trying hard to steer the message toward "we didn't tell these people to do anything". Of course they didn't but even a bucket will fill up if you do it a drop at a time. And that's exactly what the sum total is with hate speech, it's a drop at a time. Each individual message is just a small part of a whole overarching message of hate and violence.

Sure sarah failin, glen beck and the like can go on and claim that they did nothing, but when looking back, all the rhetoric spewed by these fox news commentator/celebrities, who feed into the misplaced frustration and anger of the right will only lead to one result: violence.

They certainly aren't "egging them on", but they certainly aren't preventing them either.

This is why we desperately need to reinstate the Fairness Doctrine.
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Sinistrous Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-12-11 01:31 PM
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2. Ka - effing - ching !
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