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South Carolina GOP: Health care reform will cause doctors to be subpoenaed to perform abortions

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ck4829 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-12-11 02:37 PM
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South Carolina GOP: Health care reform will cause doctors to be subpoenaed to perform abortions
Edited on Wed Jan-12-11 02:40 PM by ck4829
Republicans and their allies have consistently smeared the recent health care reform law by suggesting that it will lead to taxpayer subsidized abortions. According to PolitiFact, “the health care reform law “does not provide full federal funding of abortions — and that’s clear,” but that hasn’t stopped GOP leaders like Speaker John Boehner and Michele Bachmann from asserting that taxpayer funds are already being used to finance abortions. CitizenLink (formerly Focus on the Family Action) and Susan B. Anthony List even ran campaign ads that called the reform measure “the biggest expansion of abortion in decades” and charged supporters with backing President Obama instead of choosing “to protect life.” While the claim that the health care reform law provides funding for abortion has been readily discredited, an even more extreme and conspiratorial claim is emerging: that health care reform could require doctors to perform abortions.

According to the Columbia Free Times, Republicans in the South Carolina State House are planning to pass anti-choice legislation including one measure entitled “Obamacare Abortion Opt-Out.” The South Carolina House Republican Caucus announced that State Rep. Greg Delleney will be introducing the “Obamacare Abortion Opt-Out” to ensure that “S.C. Doctors will not be required to perform abortions if required to by Obamacare.” The legislation is one of many right-wing bills that the South Carolina GOP hopes to pass in the new session, including a “Repeal Amendment” and a “Taxpayer Bill Of Rights.”

Rep. Delleney is a staunchly anti-choice member of the State House and he also plans to introduce a bill that would allow health care workers to refuse patrons contraceptives. He previously introduced legislation that would require women to see ultrasound images before terminating their pregnancy and to endure a twenty-four hour waiting period before having an abortion. Rep. Delleney also gained attention when he excluded gay and lesbian students from dating violence curriculum in schools.

His “Obamacare Abortion Opt-Out” though represents one of the GOP’s most ludicrous and extreme attempts to malign the health care reform law yet.

I'm trying to imagine how this would work out...

Doctor: There you go. See Jimmy, that shot wasn't so bad, was it? Here's a lollipop.
*Just then, two Obamacare Abortion Enforcement agents kick the door down, drop the kid with a tranquilizer dart, and place a black bag over the doctor's head*
Agent: Hey doc, you're coming with us, you've just been selected to perform a little abortive service for the government... on the taxpayer dime. Muhahahaha!

Anyone else have any ideas on how this mandatory abortions thing works out in the minds of the righies?
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Proud Liberal Dem Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-12-11 02:45 PM
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1. They are nothing if not good at MSU
I also note that Politifact says that the new health care law “does not provide full federal funding of abortions — and that’s clear". Is Politifact subtly suggesting that it PARTIALLY funds abortions? I thought all of this was supposedly dealt with by the EO signed by President Obama in order to mollify Bart Stupak and his little coalition of Blue Dogs whom were threatening the health care reform legislation in the House?
The ignorance and stupidity of some people just burns! :banghead:
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LeftinOH Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-12-11 03:06 PM
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2. They wasted no time 'cutting to the chase' in defining health care reform:
"Health Care Reform = Killing Babies". In fact, some of our own politicos should have predicted that they would do this.
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