I sent this letter to some members of congress and wanted to share it with you.
Because of the tragic events in Tucson, mental illness has been thrust to the forefront of the national dialogue, and in general, that is a very good thing. But a word of caution: we must proceed intelligently, not rashly, and protect people like me against database mining.
I'm bipolar and I’m susceptible to database mining. I was diagnosed in 1991, have been seeing a psychiatrist since 1991, and have been taking very expensive medications since 1991. People have no idea that I'm bipolar. When I disclose, they are shocked, because they don't know what mental illness looks like when it's been treated. I had a well paying job for nearly 7 years in finance, working for a Fortune 500 company in downtown Chicago. I was laid-off at the start of 2008. Because of my medical history, I had been a very expensive employee. Now fast forward to 2011. I've been unemployed for 3 years. If employers had access to my medical history, I’ll never work again. Can they find that information now? I have no idea. Do laws protect me? Perhaps in word but in fact, I have no idea. Do I trust employers and insurance companies to abide by laws? No.
I recently took a drug test for a perspective job and had to list the 3 psychotherapeutic medications that I take. I didn't get the job. Did it have to do with my medication? I have no idea. You see, the point is, if my medical history – or medications – are easily accessible, I have no chance of finding employment. What, then, should I do? Go on permanent disability? I can work, and I have worked.
Here’s a question for you: if my medical condition can be found via data base mining, do you think a company will want to know that information? They want to know my credit history. How is that relevant? If my credit history is worth investigating, my medical history is much more valuable. Unscrupulous employers and health insurance providers have a financial incentive to share this information. Another question for you: do you believe this sharing of information is occurring?