Oh what a difference a title can make.
http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/iraq-war-on-terror/topsecretamerica/top-cia-official-obama-changed-virtually-none-of-bushs-controversial-programs/Obama Changed Virtually None of Bush’s Controversial Programs is the title of the PBS piece.
So, anyone know if the folks who are no longer being tortured are upset at all the "virtually" nothing that Obama has done for them? And I am waiting to be told what illegal actions the White House sanctions in the modern CIA. Key word "illegal" not "immoral" or "unsavory" or "I don't like it."
On a related note, be sure to tune in when ABC airs "Obama Changed Virtually None of Bush's Anti-Gay Policies" and CBS gives us "Obama Has Only Ended One of Bush's Wars" and NBC tells the story "Obama Slights Men By Signing Lilly Ledbetter Equal Pay Act". Oh, and can't wait for Fox's "Obama is Exactly Like Bush----Except When He's Not."
Remember, it's not what you read, it's how you process the bullshit. Note that the article uses the phrase "enhanced interrogation" in hopes that you will not catch that they are saying Obama stopped torture. As someone once said calling torture "enhanced interrogation", is like calling rape "enhanced foreplay."