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If nothing else, this tragedy needs to open America's eyes to what the right is all about

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Rocknrule Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-12-11 06:50 PM
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If nothing else, this tragedy needs to open America's eyes to what the right is all about
You need to go no further than any political message board, whether it be Topix, FreeRepublic, or Yahoo, to see plenty of foaming-at-the-mouth right-wingers screaming for the blood, torture, and mass slaughter of anyone who dares to disagree with them politically. For years, Ann Coulter and Rush Limbaugh have used the word "liberal" the same way the Nazis used the word "Juden". In 2003, anyone who so much as looked at Bush funny was called a terrorist, a traitor, told to leave the country, or even threatened with death (Dixie Chicks). Now that a Democrat is president, the Tea Party (which consists 99% of Bush-backing Republicans, don't be fooled) has been using incendiary rhetoric, calling for an armed revolt to overthrow the government because they didn't get their way in 2008. Sarah Palin, possibly the worst of all of them, has used passive-aggressive rhetoric since 2008 (remember "kill Obama!" being shouted at her rallies) to stir up hatred and violence, her crosshairs hitlist being one of the most well-known example. It doesn't matter if the shooter wasn't a registered Republican or that his room wasn't stacked top to bottom with Rush and Hannity books. When you dehumanize and call for violence against people because you disagree with them, sooner or later someone is going to heed your call to arms. Oh, and let's not forget the "liberal hunting permit" bumper stickers that can often be found on SUVs right next to a Bush/Cheney sticker. Yes, there are liberals who make irresponsible statements and I have called them out on it, but they are FAR outweighed by the fire and brimstone spewed by the right. The right has been calling for a political Columbine for years, now they got it. Even after the bloodshed they have wanted for so long finally occured, they still keep up this eliminationist rhetoric, as shown by this post from FreeRepublic I found on FSTDT:

"I will not mince my words: The only thing that is going to save America is when Americans get the balls to off these bastards, in plain English.

The other things you posted are a waste of time and effort.

You want this crap to stop? Them be willing to make these pricks assume room temperature... and get on with THAT exercise.

Anything else is whistling in the wind and a waste of effort. This country is a s good as dead. We just do not have the honesty here to admit it. The only thing that will save America is a bloody civil war. Because, as long as the enemy lives, even if out of power, they will continue to threaten our liberties. So, it really does come down to literal survival—us or them... and I have no problem eliminating “them” from the equation—permanently."

The bottom line is, even if the shooter wasn't openly right-wing like Jim Adkisson, this needs to be a wake-up call for Americans to realize just how dangerous the right can be and just how deep their "if you can't beat em, kill em" mindset is.
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RBInMaine Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-12-11 06:54 PM
Response to Original message
1. EXCELLENT POST ! And it is time for Progressives to stand up PROUD, PATRIOTIC, and STRONG and
DENOUNCE this nasty right wing behavior at every turn before another 9 year old child dies.
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Rocknrule Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-12-11 07:23 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. Hell, 19 children much younger than 9 died in April 1995
at the hands of a right-wing extremist

THAT should've been the real wake-up call
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