attempting to analyze intelligence, there are many standardized tests to get an approximation of an individual’s ability for abstract thought, understanding, communication, reasoning, learning, planning, emotional intelligence and problem solving. However, there are very few reliable standardized tests available to measure common sense. There are numerous studies that measure the correlation between common sense and an individual’s intelligence quotient, but common sense is dependent on factors that are too varied to form an opinion of a population’s ability to make sound judgments of practical benefit to themselves and society in general. It is becoming evident that a segment of America’s population is lacking in intelligence and common sense, and the result has been devastating for all Americans. The ascendance and support two of the GOP presidential contenders have garnered is further proof that much of the population is wallowing in rank stupidity that should embarrass most Americans and part of the blame lies with the media.
It is always a mystery why anyone would support and vote for ignorant buffoons like Michele Bachmann or Rick Perry, but religious fanatics have always appealed to morons. However, when morons support candidates who appeal to a deity for intervention as a solution to problems that sound economic policy and scientific research have resolved, one cannot help but mourn the loss of common sense and reason. For the past ten years, the segment of the population who has voted for policies that are against their own self-interest has grown to the point that America is close to economic collapse and theocracy. There is no excusing the insane policies of Bachmann and Perry, but the fact that they are enjoying any popularity is mind-boggling; and frightening.
The other day, Michele Bachmann made the coldhearted remark that the Virginia earthquake and hurricane Irene were warnings from god that America must follow Republicans’ economic agenda. She said, “I don’t know how much God has to do to get the attention of the politicians. We’ve had an earthquake; we’ve had a hurricane. He said, ‘Are you going to start listening to me here?’ Listen to the American people because the American people are roaring right now. They know government is on a morbid obesity diet and we’ve got to rein in the spending.” Any reasonable American comprehends that god does not send Bachmann private messages about the economy, and it begs the question; why isn’t Bachmann laughed off the national stage immediately? Part of the reason is the media did not report her remarks on every news program and newspaper in the nation, but the prescient point is her message resonates with a large segment of the population. Bachmann has also floated the idea that eliminating the minimum wage is a solution to America’s economic woes and that she still enjoys any support whatsoever is stunning in itself. There is a large segment of the population that supports Bachmann’s bid to be leader of the free world, and they are stupid beyond belief to support a candidate who will preside over their descent into abject poverty.
Rick Perry is the current GOP front-runner for president and he is as much a fundamentalist nut-job as Bachmann. A while ago, Perry called for three days of prayer to end the drought that is devastating Texas as well as to solve America’s economic problems. Despite his appeal to lunacy, Perry enjoys widespread support among Republicans as well as the fundamentalist nutcases who joined him in praying for rain and an economic fix. Perry has also continued his argument that Social Security is a Ponzi scheme and patently unconstitutional. He has also made sure that creation is being taught to school children as science, and denies that global climate change is occurring despite the overwhelming scientific evidence to the contrary. Perry, like Bachmann, should be laughed out of office for his extreme beliefs and reliance on god to solve America’s problems, but he is not because a large segment of the population is absolutely stupid.
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