want? These are people's lives you're bartering with, blackmailing to get the laws you want?
Dear California - put the CEO's ass in jail until the company complies with the law the same way you would Joe Citizen who said he wasn't paying the taxes
Amazon Inc. (NASDAQ:AMZN) has put forth an attractive offer to the Californian government, where if the state levies its sales taxes, it will hire more than 7,000 employees.
The State of California recently announced that they are introducing a new law which would require out of state companies to pay sales taxes, if they sell goods in the state. California has been suffering financially due to the current economic situation and this has become necessary in order to increase the states overall revenue. California further confirmed that the law would be called Amazon Law, as it has been put into place in order to make sure Amazon.com, Inc. pays such taxes. Once Amazon realized that the law was being put together to collect taxes from the company, despite the fact that they work from out of state, they immediately advised that they would cease all operations in California, if the law was passed. Regardless of Amazons warnings, California went ahead and introduced the new law several months ago and on the same day Amazon advised their vendors in the State of California that they would no longer continue to work there.
Soon after the introduction of the new law, Amazon announced that they would take the new law to the ballot boxes, so that residents can vote to overturn it. However now it seems that the company has had a change of mind and instead they are trying to get out of the ballot box voting. In an effort to move away, Amazon has requested that the states considers giving them a tax break until 2014 and in return, they would create at least 7000 new jobs for state residents. In a meeting with law makers, earlier during the week, Amazon advised that they would open six new distribution centers in the state, which would create the new positions. However it seems that law makers are not happy with Amazon’s proposal.
Due to the company’s decision to stop working in the state, until the law is overturned, it seems that thousands of jobs have been lost. A large number of Amazon’s vendors relied on the company’s business but now they are not able to continue with their daily operations. Despite the loss, the state feels that it is important for all retailers, including online retailers to pay sales taxes. As online retail has continued to increase, this would be the best way for the state to increase their revenue. If the law is kept in place, the state stands to earn approximately $200 million from internet retail sales taxes, which they can not afford to lose.
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