The Pima County (Arizona) Republican Party's decision to raffle off a Glock 23 .40-caliber handgun has generated some sharp criticism because not only is Pima County part of Democratic Rep. Gabrielle Giffords' district, but also because the gun used in January to kill six people and wound 13 others, including Giffords, was a Glock.
As the Arizona Republic writes, "Democrats and other critics, including at least one GOP official, say the Pima County Republican Party is exhibiting insensitivity."
Michael McNulty, Giffords' campaign chairman, tells the Republic he is "struggling for the words to describe my reaction." Jeff Rogers, chairman of the Pima County Democratic Party, says the raffle shows "a rather stunning lack of judgment and sensitivity."
Mike Shaw, the Pima County GOP's interim chairman, tells the newspaper he's surprised by such criticism because Giffords owns a Glock and, he says, because the gun "is no more responsible for those deaths and the congresswoman's injuries than a No. 2 pencil is responsible for cheating on a test."