You say "there is no other reason" for criticism of Obama other than racism. Are you including Glen Ford, Bruce Dixon, Margaret Kimberley, Eddie S. Glaude Jr., Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor, Sadiki Kambon and other people of color who have criticized Obama in your smear?
Afrikan/Black Apologists for President Obama are Doing a Major Dis-Service to Our Community
Obama supporters are busy building a "Black Wall" around the president, as the 2012 campaign begins. These unquestioning loyalists "feel the need to worship at the feet of President Obama because they like the idea of feeling they have access to the Whitehouse." But it’s not the kind of access that results in benefits for the whole community or even the Black political class, since Obama even "treats the Congressional Black Caucus like 'step children.'" For the sake of the larger Black community, "there needs to be a clear and open dialogue to discuss the Obama policies whether pro or con."
I know there are those who would disagree with my assessment of President Obama's performance or lack of when it comes to the Afrikan/Black community. Well, I challenge any supporter of President Obama to an open debate about his time in office and whether his message of "HOPE" was only applicable to Wall Street and every other group except us, the Afrikan/Black community. I submit it is a challenge you cannot defend or win. Critics and President Obama
Even as entire Black communities – "even entire cities – have been engulfed in what seems to be spiraling cycles of misery and hopelessness," African Americans are urged to keep their tongues in check so as not to embarrass the First Black President. An insidious "combination of race loyalty and postracialism effectively banishes black suffering from public view," while all other American groups feel free to make their own demands. "Black people are suffering, and we need to engage that suffering publicly and directly."
What Has Obama Done for African Americans?
Far from "benefiting" African American communities, Obama's policies--shaped largely by neoliberalism and the idea that privatization of public services is preferable to an expansion of the state, even in times of dire economic crisis--have been particularly harmful to Black communities that were already reeling from years of rotten conditions, both before and after the economic crisis hit.
The statistics on poverty and unemployment are only the tip of the iceberg. The current Congressional wrangling over how much of social spending to cut, combined with the relentless drive to privatize public services, threatens to compound and exacerbate the existing problems facing the poor across the country, but especially African Americans. Ten Answers To Excuses For Obama's Betrayals and Failures
Looking for answers to the flood of excuses offered for the betrayals and failures of the Obama presidency. We offer our gentle readers this handy list of ten of the most frequently encountered excuses for the misfeasance, malfeasance, non-feasance and disappointments of the Obama presidency.'s Depraved Indifference
President Obama seems positively eager to dismantle the safety nets put in place in the Thirties and strengthened by a Black-led movement in the Sixties. He calls it "Winning the Future" – a future that "holds nothing but further pain and decline for Black America." By virtually all indices, Black fortunes have plummeted under the First Black President, whose policy is to let the (chocolate) chips fall where they may.
Two years ago this month, BET reporter Andre Showell posed a question to Barack Obama at a press conference to mark the president’s first 100 days in office. Showell noted “double-digit unemployment” among Blacks and asked Obama, “What specific policies can you point to that will target these communities and what's the timetable for us to see tangible results?”
It was one of the First Black President’s greatest "I Have Nothing for the Blacks" moments. "My general approach is that if the economy is strong, that it will lift all boats," replied the man who had brought millions to the Washington Mall just three months earlier, transforming an inaugural formality into a must-be-there-if-you-are-breathing Great Black Hajj. Obama then offered smug assurances that "folks who are most vulnerable are most likely to be helped because they need the most help." Under his presidency, the exact opposite would occur.