She also calls herself "conservative."
She probably considers herself "Christian," although she does not attend church or subscribe to any organized version.
We talk issues all the time. She is surprisingly liberal when it comes to social issues. As a "conservative," she is a firm believer in personal responsibility. But then again, so am I. She is still married to her original husband, the father of her children, and believes that a strong family foundation is important for all. She believes in budgeting and living within means.
As a strong woman, she is aware of the lack of respect for strong women, or support for women as leaders, in our local culture. She spends time talking to women who have been able to advance, about how to keep improving local opportunities for women.
She is not homophobic; as a matter of fact, she is very supportive of her daughter's involvement with the gay/straight alliance at our local high school, and is fine with the fact that some of her kids' friends are gay.
She was not a fan of GWB. She voted for Obama. She probably likes him better than I. What the hell, not probably; she does. I don't like him at all. She DOES talk to, and vote for, our local R house Rep. She considers herself a RINO, a conservative independent registered as a Republican. I am much the same; I'm a registered Democrat, but politically more of an independent socialist.
Our political discussions tend to revolve around education, since I'm a teacher. She fully supports holding teachers accountable, but not by using test scores. She is involved in community work at our district level, attends board meetings, etc., and has a good grasp of how local politics affect policies that dictate what goes on in classrooms.
She heads a debate club for secondary students, and teaches them critical thinking and logic.
I think that for her, "conservative" means that you don't change for the sake of change, or "throw the baby out with the bath water." You keep what works, what is important, and you change where there is a demonstrated need.
It means that you have a strong moral compass, that you value hard work, community service, and personal responsibility. At the same time, she supports social services for those who need them.
She and her family are involved in numerous community service projects.
I don't know if she is typical of "old school" Republicans, but that's how she labels herself.