The article is amazing about reporting how the token was paraded in front of a second news conference to "clarify" his policies in his first news conference, with the goons flanking him and interrupting him to bring him to 'Bagger orthodoxy, *actually* with a LIMBOsevic book in hand and *thumping* it!1 They are shown once again not to have a sense of "optics" to use the popular word from two weeks ago. (The other times are all those racist slogan and cartoon signs at their gatherings and the 99.9% White oldsters in the pictures.)
So the optics with this Rev. VEGA had to do less with the trite word "puppet" than with their sticking their hand and arm up his ass in public. No sympathy to Rev. VEGA. If he wants to be one of those boys, he needs to do as he's told, as his ilk could tell him: Clarence THOMAS, Alberto GONZALES, Miguel ESTRADA - but not limited to minority members since the White Mediocrities are also in this group: Harriet MIERS, Porter GOSS. They do as they're told.
*************QUOTE************* Tea Party clarifies DREAM Act position
McALLEN (TX) — A flurry of criticism from his national counterparts pushed Rev. Armando Vera, founder of the nation’s first Hispanic Tea Party, to modify his previous statements in support of a divisive (sic) immigration bill. ....
Days after the original article appeared, however, officers from the San Antonio and McAllen tea parties sent several emails to The Monitor saying they would like to print a correction on behalf of Vera, who speaks little English. ....
Flanked by several new officers for the Hispanic Tea Party, Vera last week held a second interview with The Monitor and began to clarify his statements when his media director, Charlie Ortiz, interrupted. ....
“Simply put,” he said, “the response from Facebook and our emails were, ‘You join the Hispanic Tea Party, you’re a traitor.’ ....
“But even there it’s not sufficient,” interrupted Glen Hagenbach, the Hispanic Tea Party education director, who tapped on Rush Limbaugh’s 1992 book, The Way Things Ought To Be. ....