About twice a month, the Spousal Unit plays music with some guys in the area. We're in a very small red town in NC, so we don't expect too many folks to be as liberal/progressive as we are. And as long as nobody is rude or shoves it in our faces, we are willing to be polite and avoid directly discussing politics.
But politics with this age group (boomers... the Spousal Unit is the youngest at 52) is bound to come up.
The most conservative libertarians are a postal worker, a guy who is on disability and a guy who generates electricity and sells it back to the power company with hydro-electric.... yeah, irony does not seem to be their strong point.
So last night the hydro-electric guy started talking about the Tea Party. He felt it wasn't far enough to the right and there needed to be a "more radical" segment to express the views of people like him. He complained that he had seen a meeting advertised for 5 o'clock during the week. (Q: Who can go to a meeting at 5 in the afternoon? A: Retirees and the unemployed) He had to work, so he couldn't make it until 5:30.
Much to his surprise and dismay, there was nobody there.
Disability Guy then volunteered that he had been to every scheduled Tea Party meeting and that there was NEVER anybody at the meetings.
To me, this suggests a Paper Tiger that is part of our ongoing media-enhanced Bread and Puppet Circus. Either that, or the Baggers have been dipped once too often and are losing strength.
Just thought you'd like to hear it from the front lines.