Edited on Sun Sep-04-11 11:09 AM by kentuck
We Progressives understand who got us into this economic predicament and we refuse to compromise with those that would continue the same disastrous policies. We support calling these folks out on their hypocrisy.
We understand that corporate trade treaties have taken millions of jobs from our people, for the sake of higher corporate profits. We stand against any more of these treaties and call for the reform or repeal of those presently in effect.
We support immediate reform of the tax policies of this nation. The tax breaks for corporations to move jobs off-shore should cease immediately. The Bush taxcuts should end as soon as possible. After ten years, we have seen nothing positive from these taxcuts. Also, we support a progressive tax system that will pay for the necessities to keep our nation from sliding into third-world status.
We support a Social Security system that will offer security to our elderly after a lifetime of work. We support a Medicare program that will offer affordable healthcare to these elderly.
We Progressives call for an end to the false "war on terror". We accept that people hate us and that there will always be threats to our national security but eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.
We support a dismantling of the present Military Industry that is spread around the world and is stealing the treasure of future generations.
We stand ready to fight for these principles and are willing to present our ideas to the American people against the bankrupt ideas of Republicanism and conservatism.
We ask the people to join us in changing this country. We are not going to compromise away the dreams of the American people. We will fight for them to the last man and woman.