Unfortunately, the way campaign finance works, they are forced to ally with the ones already firmly entrenched. That's a main reason why our candidates never really succeed in making changes "the people" seem to always say they want.
we have :
Social Liberal Party
Labor Party
....both squished into the democratic party box
and we have:
White Christian Reactionary Party
Corporate Party...
....both squished together into the republican party
The Corporate Party does have metastatic crossovers in the democratic party (to cover all bases, since their main concern is always money)
In a fair fight, all candidates would have equal funding, and could feel free to compete on the merits of their ideas, but we all know that's never going to happen in our lifetimes, so we are stuck in a cycle of perpetual campaigning, no matter if the election was a week ago, or 3 years from now.
Neither "side" accepts the other's legitimacy, and with the shit-stirring media we have, any president is hard-pressed to ever achieve much.. Congress chugs along getting little accomplished except for nibbling at the edges of problems, all the while enriching themselves & their already-rich donors.
If we could somehow get the candidates to really identify themselves, instead of shape-shifting depending on the crowd they are addressing, and if we could get them to address the real issues of the majority, instead of kowtowing to every snippet of society, we might start advancing again.
It's all vaguely reminiscent of the
Paris Peace Talks, where most of the 8 month debate was about the shape of the table and who would sit where, instead of actually ending a war.