"Tim Hudak says convicted provincial prisoners should be working on modern-day chain gangs cleaning up Ontario highways, not watching TV and taking yoga classes.
The Progressive Conservative leader said Thursday that if a Tory government is elected Oct. 6, about 2,700 inmates serving sentences in provincial jails will be forced to work up to 40 hours a week, replacing the voluntary program that exists now.
“It makes a lot of sense to ask prisoners who have taken from society to give something back: to clean up that graffiti, to start picking up the trash, raking leaves, cutting grass,” Hudak told reporters, pegging the cost at $20 million a year.
Critics say such bumper sticker politics sound great but in reality it would be an unwieldy and costly program that would need a large number of extra guards."
Full article here:
http://www.thestar.com/news/canada/politics/article/997331So, as we get closer to election season, this promise has been made. It was originally going to be implemented under the last PC government of Mike "Slash and Burn" Harris, but they never got around to it.
I know the article is some months old but it's the most recent I can find. I'm curious as to what people think about the whole "chain-gang" concept, not just for Ontario, but for the USA and other parts of the world.