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Somehow I do not think the tax credit route will help.

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Safetykitten Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-05-11 05:08 PM
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Somehow I do not think the tax credit route will help.
"A new nationwide survey conducted in August 2011 finds that 41% of Americans who lost a job before being first surveyed two years ago are either unemployed (33%) or employed part time but looking for full-time jobs (8%). The number employed either full or part time now stands at 43%, while the remaining 17% are not in the labor force. Just one-quarter of those over age 50 first surveyed in 2009 now have a full-time job.

Three-quarters of the currently unemployed have been out of work for more than six months and fully half have been out of work for more than two years. Three-quarters of these long-term unemployed say the recession has had a major impact on their families; 60% say they have borrowed money from family or friends to make ends meet. The same number report cutting back on food and health care to the extent that it has made a difference in their daily lives.

Among those fortunate enough to find work, over half settled for lower pay; nearly one-third saw their job-related benefits cut. Just 57% believe their new jobs will be permanent and a similar number say they took the job just to get by while looking for something better. About 45% found themselves employed in an area extremely different from where they had been working. Although grateful for their opportunities, reemployed workers describe their new job as a step down rather than a step up by a margin of almost two to one.

The percentage saying the U.S. economy is experiencing fundamental and lasting changes has grown from 52% in August 2009 to 71% in August 2011. Despite the formal “end” of the recession in June 2009, just 29% say the economy is in a temporary downturn, compared to 48% who thought this way in August 2009."
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LiberalFighter Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-05-11 05:13 PM
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1. No amount of tax assistance will help in my opinion.
It really isn't the financial that is impeding business growth. They need sales and it has to be regular, not sporadic. It doesn't help when businesses pay their employees less which has been going on for years. And if businesses are paying their employees less then they already are receiving the benefit that a so called tax assistance would had provided.
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bluerum Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-05-11 05:17 PM
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2. Reducing taxes for business is equivalent to increasing their net income.
Why should they hire and increase production when all they have to do is maintain the status quo to increase income?
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WHEN CRABS ROAR Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-05-11 05:22 PM
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3. When your paid less, how do you spend more?
How does that grow the economy?
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hfojvt Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-05-11 05:27 PM
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4. I am sure that it will help
However, my plan would help much, much more

and my plan has the advantage of not requiring the person promoting it to sound like George W. Bush, promoting economic growth through tax cuts for the rich.
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